Dallas Car Accident Attorney
Conveniently and centrally located with offices in Fort Worth and Dallas, automobile accident lawyer, Dr Shezad Malik, is a Medical Doctor and Personal Injury Law Specialist with many years experience assisting car accident victims and their families.

After a serious Dallas car accident, get help so you can begin recovering financially from injury
When a car crash happens and someone is seriously hurt, it is crucial to immediately get help to begin the financial recovery process. Auto collisions can have huge costs to an injured victim including vast medical bills, a damaged vehicle, and lost income from missed work. The cost of emotional distress to the victim and family members needs to be taken into account.
To start the process of financial recovery, it is best to find an experienced Dallas personal injury attorney to handle an insurance claim
Injury lawyers cannot help someone heal physically, but we can certainly help ease the stress of the financial burdens that usually accompany a car accident.
Injury lawyer Dr. Shezad Malik will launch a claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance company, will manage all the paperwork, communications, documentation, and legal filings, and will handle negotiations to secure a full settlement. If a full settlement isn’t offered, he will take the claim to trial.
From the moment you hire Dr Shezad you can stop worrying about medical bills, lost wages, insurance adjusters, and future expenses. You can concentrate on recovering physically and emotionally – he will concentrate on your financial recovery.
It Costs Nothing up Front to Hire the Dr. Shezad Malik Law Firm
The firm will receive a percentage of the settlement or verdict reached. There are no up-front costs and no hidden fees. All fees and costs are paid from your settlement.
Learn about your rights and options today by contacting Dallas personal injury attorney Dr. Shezad Malik. Call 214-390-3189 or complete a simple contact form.
Dr. Shezad Malik Law Firm aggressively represents auto accident victims and the families of victims involved in a fatal car accidents. We handle car accidents in Dallas, Denton, Tarrant and Colin Counties in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex and all over the state of Texas. We can be reached at 214-390-3189 call now for no cost consultation.
Automobile Accidents Serious Business in Texas
Automobile accidents are the number one cause of serious injuries in Texas and around the country. They occur so commonly that we often forget the devastation they can cause when family and friends are killed, critically hurt, or permanently disabled.
Why You Should Retain the Services of Dr. Shezad Malik Law Firm
- Because some insurance companies will try to offer you a quick settlement that does not fully cover your ongoing and future medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage.
- Because the trained team at the Dr. Shezad Malik Law Firm will investigate the facts of your accident and aggressively pursue maximum compensation.
- Because your injuries may turn out to be more serious or more permanent than you originally thought, and you may be out of work longer than expected.
The Most Dangerous Time for a Texas Car Accident
Each year in the United States millions of people are injured in car crashes and truck accidents. Many innocent people every year are injured or maimed in car accidents as a result of the careless and negligent driving of others. More than one-quarter of Americans have been involved in a car accident in the last five years.
Every 13 minutes, there is a death caused by a motor vehicle accident. Car accidents and injuries claim our very youngest and our very oldest populations. Americans from the ages of 1-33 are more likely to die from a car accident than from anything else. Likewise, elderly adults aged 75 and up are most affected by motor vehicle crashes.
The Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex is well known for the high-volume traffic on its major roads and freeways. After all 5.2 million people call Dallas Fort Worth their home and the Metroplex is the largest city in Texas.
Minimizing risk is not about when you are on the road, but how careful you are, while you are on the road. The most dangerous month, is August, and Saturday the most dangerous day, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Driving can be Dangerous
The fact is, getting behind the wheel of a car is the riskiest thing most people do every day, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. But since fatal crashes happen in “ones and twos” scattered across the country, the general public does not realize their collective toll–about 110 people per day, nationwide.
Time of Day Matters for Car Accidents
According to the the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, IIHS, an average 6.6 people are killed between the hours of 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., and another 6.6 between the hours of 6 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Those rates are the overall highest of any time during the day. In 2007, 14,055 people were killed in the 5 p.m. hour. But the hours between midnight and 4 a.m. have the highest number of fatalities when calculated as a percentage of the amount of people on the road, according to AAA. During that time, statistically speaking, 5.87 per 100 million people on the road will be killed.
Time of day plays an important role in evaluating fatal crashes, because other dangerous factors are increased at night. The instances of drunk driving, speeding and driving without a safety belt all increase during the night hours and each contributes directly to increased fatality rates.
Mid-week days like Tuesday and Wednesday also pose the lowest number of fatalities, both averaging fewer drivers and 96 and 100 deaths per day, respectively. Weekends–when the greatest number of people are on the road–predictably see the highest numbers of crash victims, with a combined average of 143 deaths for Saturday and Sunday, according to the IIHS.
Simple Steps to Car Driving Safety
Experts say it’s the simple things that enhance safety: wearing a seat belt, driving the right speed for the conditions and paying attention to the road. But those are the very things most drivers involved in accidents neglect to do.
Ninety-five percent of crashes are caused by human error, according to the NHTSA, but 75% of drivers say they’re more careful than most other drivers. So somebody’s errors are accounting for a lot of accidents.
According to AAA, 82% of drivers say distracted driving is a serious problem, but more than half say they talk on a cellphone while driving, and 14% admitted to reading or sending text messages while driving.
Nearly 75% of drivers report speeding as a serious problem, but 20% say they have driven 15 miles per hour over the speed limit on the highway, and 14% say they occasionally do the same on a neighborhood street.
Not Driving Safely for the Weather
Driving too fast for the weather conditions plays a major role in fatal crashes each year, especially during the winter. UC Berkeley’s traffic center says speed is the single greatest contributing factor to serious crashes–not so much the violation of a posted speed limit, but when drivers ignore weather or traffic conditions that require a reduced speed.
It is the Driver, Not the Car
The research findings reinforce the idea that most crashes don’t involve mechanical failures on the part of the car. Even though there are always technological improvements or preventative safety features and signs in the roads, a lot of it comes down to human behavior.
Here is good advice to keep in mind and safe rules to drive by. While you might not be able to limit all this winter’s driving to Tuesdays at 5 a.m., you can do what the statistics and the researchers recommend: wear a seat belt, focus on the road and, above all, stay in control and do not use a cell phone or text while driving a car.
Hit by Un-Insured or Under Insured Motorist?
If an uninsured motorist or underinsured (UM/UIM) motorist was involved in the car accident, you are strongly encouraged to seek the assistance of an attorney who understands UM/UIM cases. At the Dr Shezad Malik Law Firm, we focus on the following critical aspects of car accidents:
- Helping our clients receive medical treatment with no out-of-pocket costs
- Seeking reimbursement for lost wages
- Focusing on our injured clients’ right to receive physical therapy and treatments recommended by their doctors
- Insisting on compensation from liable parties for ambulance or helicopter expenses
- Pursuing the causes of the car accident — for example defective brakes, defective design of air bags or seat belts — that may have made the injuries worse
- Making negligent parties and their insurers responsible for our client’s injuries
For the Help You Need After a Car Accident, Please Call 214-390-3189
Our car accident recovery team will search for additional coverage for you. We know how to investigate auto defect and dangerous roadway design issues and take a team approach to getting you the help you need.
We handle a full range of car accident cases in Texas, throughout the Southwest and around the United States, including injuries caused or worsened by:
- Speeding, driver inattention (from texting or cell phone use) driver misconduct (reckless driving and road rage) or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Dangerous and defective roadway design or improper signs that causes an accident
- Auto defective design and other defects that cause an accident or that make injuries more severe
- Intersection collisions, running through stop signs and traffic lights (usually because of driver inattention and failure to keep a proper lookout)
- Single vehicle crashes and SUV rollovers
- Train and Automobile Accidents at railroad crossing
- Pedestrian-vehicle accidents and auto-bicycle collisions
- Allowing an unsafe or dangerous driver (negligent entrustment) to use a vehicle
Tips for Dealing with the Insurance Company
Sometimes an insurance company will try to give you a false sense of security, and then later notify you weeks or even months later that they will not cover your losses. Protect your rights and do not become a victim again.
Car Insurance Companies and Recorded Statements
Car Insurance companies use a scheme where they ask you a series of general questions in a recorded statement. Be on full alert.
These questions are designed to having you admit that you were at fault in the accident or to get you to admit that you were not injured.
The insurance adjuster and defense attorney will try to use this recorded and transcribed statement against you to deny your legitimate claim.
The Insurance Company Has Offered You a “Settlement”
Whenever a car accident victim suffers a soft tissue damage or injury such as whiplash, muscle strain or stretch, the insurance company will use a scheme where they offer the car injury victim a small settlement. This will range from about $100 – $1,000 and the adjuster will state that “This is all we are have to pay for your injuries”.
There are major problems with doing this. The insurance adjuster is not a medical doctor, and more importantly he/she is not your friend. They are not qualified determine the extent of your injuries based your symptoms. Most soft tissue type injuries do not fully appear until days, weeks, or even months after the accident.
If You Have Been Injured
You have been injured by the automobile accident, this what do you need to do next:
- Get the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all the witnesses as soon as possible, and keep them in a safe place. Follow up on your witnesses, and store their information and keep them current.
- Take photographs of vehicles. Take photographs at the scene of the accident. If you wait a day later or more, the debris will be cleaned up, skid marks will fade, the vehicles will no longer be in the same resting position. The person who caused the accident may have their vehicle fixed the very next day.
- You may need these photos to prove how the accident happened, or to prove how severe the accident was. Take pictures that actually SHOW the damage. PICTURES, PICTURES, PICTURES.
- Take photographs of injuries. If you have any bleeding, bruising, or injuries that are visible, take pictures of those injuries. Injuries can be fixed and resolve, and if you do not take a picture, the insurance company will not believe you. PICTURES, PICTURES, PICTURES.
- Get your own estimate of damage to your vehicle. Several body-shops will give you a free estimate. Insurance companies will often write an estimate for less than half what the damage really will cost to repair. To protect yourself, get your own estimate.
- See a doctor immediately. Either through the emergency room or through your local doctor. This is very important because the diagnosis of severe injuries can be delayed if initially you do not have any symptoms and then it can present later.
- Save all documents showing what you are out of pocket. Save all towing bills, rental bills, storage fees, prescription fees, doctor bills, etc. If you want a full financial out of pocket recovery, you will have to provide a full record.
- Call the police to the scene, order a police report. Call 911 and notify the dispatcher that there is an injury in the accident. You need a report taken, and a record of what happened. So protect yourself, and insist on a police officer to make a report if at all possible. Then order the police report and verify that it is correct.
- Contact an attorney as soon as possible. You need to hire someone with experience handling automobile accident claims. Someone who will maximize the benefits you are entitled to receive. Call our office immediately for a free consultation.
How to Use Your Cell Phone Following a Car Accident
Modern smart phone technology has incredible benefits – and there are many tools available on your smart phone. These tools are valuable in the event you are unfortunate enough to be a victim in a car accident or some other type of traffic collision on our Dallas Fort Worth roads.
Camera phones can be used when documenting an auto accident by taking photographs and video. Take photos and video showing the scene of the wreck in detail. It is also very important that you take photos and video showing the damage to your vehicle.
We recommend that you take photos and video both up close and from a distance as the use of multiple angles often gives a much more accurate picture of the damage that has occurred.
You can also photograph and video the driver licenses, insurance information, the other vehicle’s registration plates and witnesses.
Call us in Fort Worth or in Dallas, at 214-390-3189 or send us an e-mail to schedule a free initial consultation about a car accident, slip and fall premises liability claim or any other personal injury or wrongful death case.
We handle all cases on a contingency basis, which means you pay nothing unless we accomplish our mission of getting justice for you.